Monday January 17th, 2022
Watsons VR Get Active Park just landed in Taiwan, Thailand and Malaysia to help customers stay active and healthy while at home, and it’s expected to roll out in Hong Kong next month.
Thursday January 13th, 2022
Watsons embarks on a first-of-its-kind exclusive partnership with Amazon in Singapore to launch a dedicated storefront on the world’s largest eCommerce marketplace today, strengthening the O+O (Offline plus Online) model for a seamless customer experience.
Tuesday January 11th, 2022
Watsons has been awarded "Digital Transformation Pioneer Company 2021" by WeChat, highlighting the brand’s efforts in delivering O+O (Offline plus Online) retail experience and digital transformation.
Wednesday December 15th, 2021
AS Watson, the world’s largest international health and beauty retailer, leverages AI solution to deliver O+O (Offline plus Online) customer experience. Its seamless integration of digital technologies with retail experience has been proven to drive customer engagement and ultimately lead to increased conversion and sales.
Wednesday December 1st, 2021
P&G (Procter & Gamble) Group and AS Watson Group jointly announced the new launch of a co-created Japan skincare brand aio in the physical and online stores of Watsons in the Greater China markets.
Tuesday November 23rd, 2021
Watsons brings Marionnaud luxury beauty experience to Mainland China by launching Marionnaud x Watsons cross-over store in Shanghai and Wuhan. Now, the third cross-over store has been opened in Sunshine Paradise shopping mall in Xian to provide a luxurious shopping experience to customers.