The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has brought a tremendous impact on the Hong Kong economy and even the livelihood of the underprivileged. The unemployment rate has soared to 6.1%, while the rate of some industries such as retail, accommodation and food services even hits 14.4%.
CK Hutchison’s unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2020 (in PDF)
Superdrug comes top amongst the health and beauty retailers and ranks no.1 in the pure-play retail sector in UK Customers Satisfaction Index (UKCSI) this year, despite unprecedented impact of Covid-19 on retail industry.
AS Watson Group today announced that it will donate 300,000 pieces of kids masks to the primary school students in need to get them prepared for school resumption. In Hong Kong, classes at all schools have been suspended for over 4 months and are now expected to resume in phases. In view of the shortage of kids face masks in Hong Kong, AS Watson Group has been working tirelessly to source face masks from all over the world and will donate to the primary school students who are in need.