Kruidvat is ranked 12th amongst 176 brands across Netherlands and perceived as one of the most sustainable brand in the region according to the latest Sustainable Brand Index™, the Europe’s largest brand study on sustainability conducted by SB Insight.
CK Hutchison’s Audited Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2019 (in PDF)
AS Watson, the world’s largest international health and beauty retailer, has launched The Perfume Shop’s first experiential concept store in Sheffield, UK. It has been lately ranked as one of the Top 47 Best New Retail Concept Stores in the world by Insider-trends.
AS Watson Group is delighted to announce the grand opening of its 3,800th Watsons store in mainland China, an important milestone for its market leadership in the country. Located in Kunming, the largest city in Yunnan Province with GDP growth of 8.9% last year, the store is designed to provide one-on-one beauty services to customers, with fully integrated digital experience.
AS Watson Group established a global Millennials CSR Committee for the first time featuring 14 young colleagues to help enhance the company’s social responsibilities roadmap. Millennials from 11 markets in Asia and Europe are selected to be on this mission.