Thursday April 21st, 2022
As AS Watson just celebrated its 180th anniversary, the Group is launching a Greener Stores Global Framework to accelerate the transformation of retail towards lower-environmental impact stores to achieve a reduction in carbon emissions, water usage and landfill waste as well as leverage its scale for good to speed up the global movement towards a more sustainable future.

Thursday March 17th, 2022
CK Hutchison’s Audited Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2021 (in PDF)
Wednesday March 9th, 2022
At AS Watson, we believe in the New Beautiful, a new kind of beauty that’s good for everyone. Beautiful glows from the inside. It’s how we treat ourselves and each other.

Tuesday January 25th, 2022
To drive sustainable living, Fortress & Caritas Computer Workshop (CCW) jointly launched the market-first Laptop Transformation Programme. Customers can recycle laptops at Fortress, and CCW will help to disinfect the laptops and install basic software, helping to reduce electronic waste and foster social integration. Fortress successfully collected 300 laptops in the 3-month pilot scheme, helping those in need and achieving Fortress’ social purpose – Living Better Together.