
Wednesday June 19th, 2019
星期一 6月 10日, 2019

Two-way Exchange Available on Mobile Apps Free-of-charge, Extending Redemption Capabilities and Benefits of Both RewardCash and MoneyBack Points

Thursday June 6th, 2019
Thursday May 30th, 2019
Wednesday May 29th, 2019

Global cosmetics company Shiseido Company, Limited (Shiseido), and AS Watson Group (AS Watson), the world’s largest international health and beauty retailer, entered a strategic alliance to form a 3-year plan to strengthen their strategic partnership and co-create beauty innovations to better meet the customers’ surging demand for Japanese-beauty products.

Saturday May 25th, 2019
Thursday May 16th, 2019
According to the Waste Statistics for 2017 in “Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong” published by the Environmental Protection Department*, the average daily quantity of municipal solid waste disposed by Hong Kong people was 10,733 tpd, in which 20% of them (nearly 2,124 tpd) were plastics. AS Watson Group (ASW) puts environmental protection in high priority on its social responsibility agenda. It has been driving energy-efficiency, reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions to minimise negative impacts on the environment. Since 2014, ASW has taken the proactive step to ban the use of microplastic in its rinse-off own brand cosmetics/personal care scrub products development. The company is also committed to further extend the ban and targets to end the sales of all rinse-off cosmetics products / personal care products containing microplastics by the end of 2019.
Wednesday May 15th, 2019
Saturday May 11th, 2019
Friday May 10th, 2019
According to a large-scale consumer survey* conducted with 14,000 consumers in 7 Asian regions, the frequency of Asian traveling to other Asian countries every year is 1.7 times on average. Among all, Hong Kong people travel 2.2 times yearly, ranking second across Asia and are preceded only by Singaporean, who travel 2.7 times per year. Hong Kong is not only one of the hottest traveling destinations in Asia but also the most popular tourist hotspot among thousands of customers in the Greater Bay Area, 70% of which choose Hong Kong as their favourite traveling hotspot.