
Friday April 15th, 2016
To celebrate the 175th anniversary of AS Watson Group and to support the Government’s “Appreciate Hong Kong” Campaign, the Group launched a philanthropy programme “Project LOL”. “Elderly Day 2016” held today is a large-scale volunteer activity under the Project, a volunteer team consists of over 1,300 volunteers from the Group, our 5 business units and 39 business partners visited more than 1,750 singleton elderly in Hong Kong.
Wednesday April 13th, 2016
Friday March 11th, 2016

(Hong Kong, 11 Mar 2016) As a strategic move to accelerate the enhancement of mobile engagement with customers, AS Watson Group (ASW) eLab has announced today the appointment of Mtel as its Asia mobile solution partner for the next three years. In 2016 alone, MTel will deliver 9 mobile apps for ASW eLab in Asia. Operating in 25 markets worldwide, AS Watson Group is the largest international health & beauty retailer in Asia & Europe. This appointment would make Mtel, a leading digital solution agency based in Hong Kong, a strategic partner of ASW’s customer-centric retailing approach.

Wednesday March 2nd, 2016

AS Watson Group’s (ASW) flagship retail brand Watsons has reached an agreement with Baidu Waimai, one of China’s fastest-growing O2O (online-to-offline) platform to provide high quality and convenient shopping experience, making Watsons products available to over 30 million shoppers in 120 cities in the Mainland.

Thursday July 23rd, 2015

In the latest 14th Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) Asia Pacific Conference, AS Watson Group was honored with the ECR Recognition Award in the Digital category, in recognition of its outstanding achievements in digital and eCommerce. Organised by the ECR Asia Pacific Council, GS1/ ECR Hong Kong and co-organised by The Consumer Goods Forum, this prestigious award aims to recognise the outstanding performance of corporations for their expertise in digital excellence.

Monday June 1st, 2015
Saturday February 28th, 2015

AS Watson Group is recognised in the recent "Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2015 Award", organised by the leading human resources publication HR Asia. Amongst the top 20 companies receiving this award, AS Watson demonstrates tireless efforts on promoting employee engagement with excellent company culture, reaffirming the Group’s position as one of the best companies to work for in Asia.

Tuesday August 12th, 2014

Turbocharged Growth in Mainland China

Tuesday August 12th, 2014

AS Watson Group and its affiliate brands Watsons, PARKnSHOP, Fortress and Watson’s Wine are awarded the Happy Company label recently, to recognise the contribution in creating a happy office. The Happy Organisation Label Scheme, jointly organised by Hong Kong Production Council (HKPC) and Promoting Happiness Index Foundation (PHIF), promotes pleasant working environment in local enterprise to improve Hong Kong’s overall level of happiness.

Tuesday July 22nd, 2014

AS Watson Group and PARKnSHOP Hong Kong have been awarded Inclusive Organization Logo for Employer Organization under the 2013-2014 Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organizations Recognition Scheme which is organized by the Labour and Welfare Bureau of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government in collaboration with the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities. The award recognizes our efforts in enhancing the employment opportunities of persons with disabilities as well as building a barrier-free and inclusive workplace.