PARKnSHOP has already delivered the Cash Food Coupons to 27 NGO Partners today and all food coupons valued at over HK$40.9 million will be distributed to 204,500 beneficiaries starting from later this week till end-October, in a bid to help the underprivileged including the low-income families, elderly and disabled persons. The food coupon programme has been accepted by the Government as the rebate measure for the underprivileged in the second tranche of the Employee Supporting Scheme.
No Spending Required. Open to All Hong Kong Citizens.
Following the announcement of Food Coupon Scheme to give back to the underprivileged, PARKnSHOP Hong Kong is delighted to roll out the “Cheer Up! Smile & Win Lucky Draw” today, as part of the plan to rebate to the general public in the second phase of Employment Support Scheme (ESS), which has been accepted by the government.
The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has brought a tremendous impact on the Hong Kong economy and even the livelihood of the underprivileged. The unemployment rate has soared to 6.1%, while the rate of some industries such as retail, accommodation and food services even hits 14.4%.