一項消費者調查發現,屈臣氏在「最受消費者歡迎之會員優惠計劃」排名中穩佔第2名。當中百分之十二受訪者為Watsons Club會員,烏克蘭屈臣氏會員數目突破150萬大關,證明品牌於3月革新品牌形象,仍獲顧客的擁護。
屈臣氏集團將注資逾三千七百萬美元 推動未來五年店網發展
屈臣氏一直致力通過會員卡為消費者提供「個性化消費服務」。 會員除了享受購物積分和積分抵扣消費金額,還可享受到一系列的尊享優惠,如會員折扣、生日雙倍積分、額外積分、多倍積分、免費禮品、合作商戶優惠等;此外,屈臣氏會員還能參加多項會員尊享活動,如演唱會、電影欣賞會、明星見面會和會員工作坊等。為了進一步滿足消費者日益多樣的個性消費,會員將會定期收到豐富的會員資訊,最新的促銷資訊及新品上市資訊,能及時掌握時尚健美潮流趨勢,從而提前做好購物安排,節省時間和獲得更多優惠。
放眼2010年,台灣屈臣氏將投資新台幣5億以開設30家新店、升級改裝 220 家既有店為目標,預計2010年底前臺灣屈臣氏總店數將可達 430 家。除了展店與門市改裝之外,亦將投入新台幣 2億元全面更新升級POS 收銀、庫存管理及資料庫資訊系統,一方面與全球各地屈臣氏標準化配備看齊,更可進一步提簡化門市作業流程,以有更多的時間提供消費者與會員更好的服務品質。
Watsons, Thailand's no.1 health and beauty retailer, has been awarded Superbrand Status 2008 – 2009 by the Thailand Superbrands Council. The award is the recognition for Watsons' strong brand quality, affinity, and leadership in the industry. Mr. Toby Anderson, Managing Director of Watsons Thailand attended Superbrands Thailand Tribute Event to receive the Superbrands Trophy.
About Watsons
Watsons, the No.1 health and beauty retailer in Thailand was launched in Thailand in 1996 with the first store located at the Maneeya Center building. Watsons is the country's leading health & beauty store currently with over 150 stores offering products from consumer goods to health & beauty products. Watsons continually aims to offer top quality products combined with value for money as well as providing high-standard service to every customer. Watsons is a subsidiary of the AS Watson Group, the world's largest health and beauty retailer with over 8,400 stores in 34 markets.
Watsons Your Personal Store, No.1 health and beauty retailer in Thailand, is introducing Watsons Membership Card which is the biggest campaign of the year bringing enhanced, tailor made benefits to its customers. Watsons Membership Card gives exclusive access to the best health, wellness and beauty services with special price offers, reward point redemption as discounts as well as other special privileges through collaboration with L'Oréal, Unilever, P&G, Biersdorf, Johnson & Johnson, Elca, Blackmores, Proactiv and Phyathai Hospital. Watsons has invested over 50 million baht in this customer loyalty programme and expects to gain 300,000 members by the end of 2009. It has also prepared 360 degrees communications activities to promote the card among Thai consumers and accelerate member subscription.
Toby Anderson, Managing Director of Central Watson Co., Ltd. said, "In order to further enhance the personal shopping experience, Watsons is offering the Watsons Membership Card which will serve as the passport to the best health, wellness and beauty services with reward points, attractive price offers, and other special privileges for members in order to create good value for money. The programme is part of Your Personal Store concept that values customers as the priority. We try to offer the best and most trusted products with personalized professional service for our customers to make sure they feel great and have fun shopping at Watsons."