Modern, contemporary, refreshing and totally in line with the core values that Kruidvat wants to portray. Today the Netherlands' largest chain of chemist shops has reaffirmed its distinctiveness with the official launch of its new logo. Through the introduction of a recognisable and eye-catching trade mark, Kruidvat wishes to distinguish itself even more strongly in the Dutch Health & Beauty market. Furthermore, the new logo is totally in line with Kruidvat's updated retail formula.
Through the launch of the new logo, Kruidvat is able to officially present itself in a recognisable manner. Unlike the old logo, which was developed in 1980 and since then has only undergone a few small modifications, this time not only the whole brand name has been opted for in the logo, but also a trade mark that can be used separately. The 'K' for Kruidvat is incorporated in a subtle and creative manner in the new logo. "We have succeeded in creating a recognisable and contemporary symbol to be used in all of our communication that also fits in perfectly with our updated retail formula. In this new concept, as was the case previously, customers can go to Kruidvat for a surprising and competitive range, but in a fully updated and modernised retail environment. Perception, appearance and accessibility are the main considerations here. Those starting points have been translated into this new trade mark, of which we are, of course, particularly proud", said Gerard van Breen, General Director of Kruidvat.
Today, in the presence of the entire Kruidvat management board, Kruidvat's new logo was festively unveiled by actress and the SBS TV station presenter Ellemieke Vermolen, at the Kruidvat shop in the "De Kwinkelier" shopping centre in Bilthoven.
為迎接開心復活節,全港最時尚的優質國際美食購物廣場GREAT將會換上一身充滿童話色彩的新裝,並於3月27日至4月14日期間舉行「繽紛奇趣復活節」,為顧客搜羅超過160款來自世界各地好玩好食的復活節食品,讓全家大小一起渡過充滿笑聲的佳節!GREAT 作為一間履行社會責任的企業,更將會於復活節期間為南華早報希望之家籌款,讓全港市民渡過一個有意義的復活節。
設捐款箱為希望之家籌款 帶頭鼓勵顧客將歡樂傳遍社會
為了將歡樂帶到社會每一個角落,在「繽紛奇趣復活節」期間,顧客凡購買各項貼有 “Homes for Hope”標誌的復活節產品,GREAT即會捐出$1給南華早報希望之家,顧客購買越多,GREAT將捐贈更多,讓四川倖存家庭同樣感受復活節的歡樂。為鼓勵更多市民參與是次有意義的活動,在3月27日至4月30日期間, GREAT將會放置捐款箱為希望之家籌款,繼續為因四川地震的受災家庭重建家園而努力。在今日揭幕禮中,更有一場簡單的捐款支票遞交儀式以喚起更多人關注是次籌款活動。
隨時隨地以最抵價錢 品嚐芳香美酒
於近10年間作為推動香港美酒市場先驅的全港最大洋酒零售商屈臣氏酒窖,於今天強勢推出屈臣氏醇酒坊 (Watson's Wine Bar),讓您可以時刻優雅地拿著酒杯,於裝潢別具一格,氣氛高尚的屈臣氏醇酒坊,一杯一杯地品嚐來自世界各地,價錢較一般酒吧相宜的特級美酒。
香港百佳的食物安全化驗室,是首間榮獲香港認可處香港實驗所認可計劃(HOKLAS)頒發ISO 17025的超級市場化驗所。根據相互認可協定,經HOKLAS通過的測試報告,等於獲得英國認可局(UKAS)(英國)、ACLASS(美國)、澳洲國家測試局協會(澳洲)、SINGLAS(新加坡)等海外化驗所的認證計劃接納。該項認證反映,百佳的化驗所已成為一家獲得正式認可的國際頂級化驗所。