May 2011 saw Superdrug launch its first ever loyalty card – the Beautycard launched in all stores on 11 May and offers customers a programme of beauty and health focused rewards.
The Beautycard, which doubles as a handy mirror, has been designed after extensive customer research to ensure it earns its place in handbags, purses and wallets across the country.
The Beautycard can be used to earn points online at and in store, and points can be redeemed in store. Customers can also part pay for products with their points, and can choose favourite brands on which to collect extra points during special promotions.
屈臣氏集團為領先全球,引領健康、美麗和時尚生活的零售業翹楚,為全球三十三個市場的顧客提升生活素質之餘,更熱心於慈善,於二月二十七日參與香港公益金新界區百萬行。是次活動為公益金資助之「兒童及青年服務」籌款,集團愈二千五百名員工和親友熱烈響應,籌得善款超過六十二萬八千港元。 .
著名插畫師Alice Chan特製環保袋 支持奧比斯救盲行動 與陳貝兒一起呼籲保護地球
放眼2010年,台灣屈臣氏將投資新台幣5億以開設30家新店、升級改裝 220 家既有店為目標,預計2010年底前臺灣屈臣氏總店數將可達 430 家。除了展店與門市改裝之外,亦將投入新台幣 2億元全面更新升級POS 收銀、庫存管理及資料庫資訊系統,一方面與全球各地屈臣氏標準化配備看齊,更可進一步提簡化門市作業流程,以有更多的時間提供消費者與會員更好的服務品質。
Watsons, Thailand's no.1 health and beauty retailer, has been awarded Superbrand Status 2008 – 2009 by the Thailand Superbrands Council. The award is the recognition for Watsons' strong brand quality, affinity, and leadership in the industry. Mr. Toby Anderson, Managing Director of Watsons Thailand attended Superbrands Thailand Tribute Event to receive the Superbrands Trophy.
About Watsons
Watsons, the No.1 health and beauty retailer in Thailand was launched in Thailand in 1996 with the first store located at the Maneeya Center building. Watsons is the country's leading health & beauty store currently with over 150 stores offering products from consumer goods to health & beauty products. Watsons continually aims to offer top quality products combined with value for money as well as providing high-standard service to every customer. Watsons is a subsidiary of the AS Watson Group, the world's largest health and beauty retailer with over 8,400 stores in 34 markets.